A new communication channel: Official Launch of the SipPulse Blog!

We took advantage of the new year to launch a new channel for exchanging information about the telecommunications world of the future that, in fact, is already present today.

VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, Elastisk and many other components will be a constant theme in our posts. Every week we will bring news, information and experiences about these technologies, their applications, benefits and how and when to use them.

In this first Blog we will talk about our own business experience and how we came to SIPPulse. In 1995 we launched the company V.Office, which over the course of its existence has become a specialist in data communication network projects, focusing our projects not only on technology, but also on how the addition of new features would offer our customers opportunities to add new services to your employees and customers, supporting the efficiency of your business.

More recently, with the expansion of the capacity of communications networks and the improvement of available technology, it was possible to include a new service over data networks: media transmission (voice and image). In 2005 we pioneered the development of Asterisk-based solutions for internal voice communication networks.

Our next step was to look for a solution that supported the scalability and volumes that telecommunications service operators, such as established PSTNs, demand. On the other hand, despite the expansion of data network capacity and the quality of the products that supported them, it was also necessary to develop a solution that used available resources more efficiently. This is how, based on the tradition of innovation and strengthened by his own experiences, in 2007 our founder joined the Open SIPs Foundation and created SIPPulse in Brazil, which brings together several technologies to bring the best solutions to STFC and SCM operators and also corporations that want to connect their employees in an economical, timely and cheap way.

Today, SIPPulse solutions support a series of companies – STFC and SCM operators, and corporations – that seek to make their businesses more efficient, offering more quality and services to their employees.

And it couldn't be any different in our home: After installing our own solution as a PABX, we started offering our employees more services while our telecommunications expenses, fixed and cellular, fell significantly (more than 50% reduction)

It will be no different in the market in general: data from Anatel indicate that the growth in broadband access has grown above the growth in cell phone use. And since broadband is paid for and can support media traffic, why not invest in VoIP to reduce your telephony costs?

So we invite everyone to follow our blog. Weekly we will cover technological, functional and business topics. We hope that our vision will be useful in supporting you in the management and operation of your business, whether your company is an operator or a company that uses telecommunications as a business tool.

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